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Building Score


Number of Units: 2

Building Information for 21-34 47 STREET, Astoria, NY, USA

Owner Names


Complaints (1 records)

Date: 02/14/2005
Status: CLOSE
Date Received 02/14/2005
Problem ID 4498573
Complaint ID 2756293
Building ID 436918
Borough N/A
House Number 21-34
Street Name 47 STREET
Post Code 11105
Block 770
Lot 284
Apartment BLDG
Community Board 1
Problem Type Code EMERGENCY
Main Category HEATING
Subcategory HEAT RELATED
Problem Code NO HEAT
Complaint Status CLOSE
Complaint Status Date 02/19/2005
Problem Status CLOSE
Problem Status Date 02/18/2005
Status Description The Department of Housing Preservation and Development was not able to gain access to inspect the following conditions. The complaint has been closed. If the condition still exists, please file a new complaint.
Duplicate Complaint N
Anonymous Report N/A
Unique Key 7712863
Latitude 40.770935999999999
Longitude -73.900409999999994
Council District 22
Census Tract 135
BIN 4014637
BBL 4007700284
Neighborhood Tabulation Area Astoria (North)-Ditmars-Steinway

Additional Information

Field Value
House Number21-34
Street Name47 STREET
Zip Code11105
Number of Units2
Number of Rooms Without Baths/Kitchens0
Record StatusActive
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What Does This Score Mean?

The RentHistory.org Building Score represents a cohesive assessment of the building based on numerous records, their severity & their age. The average scoring range is between 65 and 99 — with scores below 0 indicating negative assessments and scores up to 115 recognizing exceptional standards. This allows you to better gauge the severity of potential neglect as well as allows exceptional landlords to get recognized for their efforts.


For a full breakdown on the scoring algorithm, visit the Disclaimer page.

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